What Makes Sex Good
2001-07-07 @ 10:36 p.m.

Sex is so incredibly different with each person. Sometimes, people wonder how someone can be bad in bed. I wonder that. Those that do nothing. Those that care nothing about the other person, only about pleasing themselves. The guys that work themselves into a frenzy until they cum, and leave the girl, sore and unsatisfied. The girls who lay there waiting for the guy to make them cum, and who don't make any effort to move, scratch, bite, kiss, or even moan.

But there are those that care. Those, that it doesn't matter what they look like, but you care, they care, both care. And the sex is incredible. Nobody even has to cum, as long as the two bodies move in undiluted unselfishness. Just the energy created from desire, desire to please the other.

I need that, I want that, but I can't have it. All I can have are the selfish people, the uncommitted, the uncaring. I haven't figured out why yet. Why sex isn't how it used to be. I'm looking. For now, I just got a vibrator. Funny thing is....it doesn't care either.

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past secrets.
shower time - 2006-11-25
Soul Mates - 2004-12-20
Dirrections to Anal Sex - 2004-09-26
Things will never be the same - 2004-07-09
- 2004-07-05

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